Electricity is one of those fundamental things we don’t think about until suddenly there isn’t any. Then, while shivering in the dark, we quickly start to consider the many electrical services that we don’t have. When the lights come back on, such thoughts rapidly fade. (Ironic, no?)

An excellent time to think about the variety of electrical services that we could use is now, when (presumably) the lights are on, and we’re not shivering (or sweltering) from the lack of power. So, without further ado, let us present a few electrical services people don’t often ponder, until…

1) The lights go out.

After fumbling for that rechargeable flashlight that we forgot to buy, with plans to plug into that extra electrical outlet area that we forgot to have installed, we start to think about bigger things. One of those big things? A ready-to-perform backup (or standby) generator. Living on the BC Hydro power grid doesn’t guarantee a constant, uninterrupted flow of electrical services, as we’ve all experienced. Storms, traffic accidents, and vandalism can all cause local blackouts. If we haven’t personally experienced several consecutive days without power, we’ve heard or seen the news stories of hundreds of people who have.

Increasingly, residential electrical customers are opting for the hassle-free backup services enjoyed by many businesses when the power goes out. Unlike portable generators, Backup generators can be permanently installed in your backyard and connected your electrical panel. The standby generator senses a power outage immediately, and if your electrical services fail to return, the automatic transfer switch disconnects your service from the utility lines and switches it to the backup generator in just seconds. When the utility company restores the power, the system reconnects the utility lines and shuts the generator down.

2) Your house lighting looks like Halloween come early.

It’s true. Halloween season seems to come earlier every year. Does your home’s lighting looks like “The Nightmare Before St. Patrick’s Day”? Then you need to call us. (And if by some weird chance you’re a Hollywood filmmaker and decide to use our spooky title for your next blockbuster horror film, please at least include us in the credits. )

Dark or dim stairways, inside and outside entryways hallways, kitchens — anywhere — are scary and dangerous. Don’t you be the bump in the night. It could cause bruising or something more serious. And if your inadvertent Halloween lighting look includes ghostly shadows and unexplained flickering, it’s time to let some electrical service professionals haunt your house. (Like us.) Call us at Stapleton. Now!

3) The people next door wow the whole neighbourhood with landscape lighting.

You pride yourself in your home, but you hadn’t given much consideration to landscape lighting– until one or more of your neighbours added some stylish landscape illumination. Now your yard looks a little lackluster by comparison.

If you’re unmotivated by lighting “fashion” trends, remember, landscape lighting is about more than just creating outdoor ambience for some extra patio or hot tub time in the evening. It’s also about safety. For example, walkway illumination will help you avoid areas where you shouldn’t step. Proper lighting in driveways, garages, and entryways will make whole yard and home’s exterior safer and more secure.

There are many electrical services we don’t think about until we get a nudge. And hopefully, that “nudge” isn’t a fire or shock. So, let this blog serve as a gentle reminder to think about the services you might need now and those future electrical installations for which you’ll likely need to start making plans. We’re here to help. Call Stapleton Electric at 778-985-9395 or get in touch with us here.