Mar 15, 2021
If you have been in the market for a new home, be it a single family dwelling, a townhouse or a condo, you will know that the Greater Vancouver area is hot. According to the BC Real Estate Association, experts predict a 33.6% increase in home sales for this year, with...
Feb 3, 2021
Here at Stapleton Electric, we are so excited about the increase of electric vehicles and EV chargers in British Columbia. According to ICBC, there were 29,395 electric vehicles on the road in March of 2020, compared to just 13,727 in April of the year previous. This...
Jan 2, 2021
When partnering with a Burnaby electrical company for your residential or business project, we know that you are making a significant decision for your family or your team. Quality and efficiency in a partner can impact not only your budget, but also the longevity of...
Dec 25, 2020
Throughout the calendar year, those of us in the Fraser Valley are bound to experience power outages. During these outages, we find ourselves constantly refreshing BC Hydro’s status update page more often than we care to admit, while saving our phone batteries...
Nov 21, 2020
We’ve made it to that time of year again – the November winds. An old friend of mine who lives in England now was reminiscing on Facebook the other day about November in Vancouver. It’s time there, she said, for one of those wind storms that blow all the beautiful...
Oct 31, 2020
Does anyone still remember the Yellow Pages? I mean the actual book, with pages made of actual yellow paper, that landed with a thump on your doorstep once a year. If you needed a plumber, say, you flipped to the section in P for Plumbing and there was the list of...