Nov 15, 2018
Looking for a good Vancouver electrician? A good word from a friend or family member is often the best way to find any professional service– and those good words are mainstay at Stapleton Electric. Much of our business at Stapleton Electric comes from word of...
Oct 15, 2018
Electricity came to Langley in the early 1900s, but in its first years, it was a rare luxury to have it in one’s home. Almost all electricity generated was used to power the British Columbia Electric Railway (BCER) line. But by the time electric service hit...
Sep 15, 2018
Make electricity your friend. Why? Because the alternative isn’t pleasant. It can be a killer, in fact. Things like sparks coming from receptacles or switches, lights that flicker, and circuit breakers that trip for no reason can all be signs of electrical...
Aug 15, 2018
Electricity is one of those fundamental things we don’t think about until suddenly there isn’t any. Then, while shivering in the dark, we quickly start to consider the many electrical services that we don’t have. When the lights come back on, such...
Jul 15, 2018
Your call to an electrician could be for any of a multitude of reasons. People contact electrical contractors for everything from wiring installation in newly constructed or newly-renovated homes and buildings, to the installation of new ceiling fans, to home security...